Intermediate Accounting 15th Edition
Kieso, Weygandt and Warfield’s Intermediate Accounting continues to set the standard for intermediate accounting students and professionals in the field. The Fifteenth edition builds on this legacy through new innovative student focused pedagogy in the book itself and with online support.

Kieso maintains the qualities for which the text is globally recognized, including its reputation for accuracy, comprehensiveness, accessibility, and quality problem material that best prepares students for success on the CPA exam. The Fifteenth edition offers the most up to date coverage of IFRS and US GAAP in a presentational format suited to the complex challenges of teaching intermediate in these changing times.

The WileyPLUS homework and learning platform is better than it has ever been for Kieso, with a multitude of new assessment items, multimedia resources, and enhanced functionality to ensure students will do real accounting and get real results. There have also never been so many options for accessing content, from several online only options, premium value print and digital formats, and custom versions designed to fit your needs perfectly.

Love the loose leaf style of this book. It makes it so much easier to work with than the bound text. You can just take the chapters with you that your are currently studying and leave the rest at home for reference later. Only warning I can give (and it has nothing to do with the seller, they were great to work with) is that the self tests on the publisher's website contain errors. Some of them do not have a correct answer to the question (they are true/false and multiple choice). A couple of them had a correct answer to choose from, but when the test was corrected on-line you were marked as incorrect, but the answer that they listed was the answer that you had indicated. Good Luck with your accounting classes.

This book is THE textbook for intermediate accounting! Information is presented clearly, concisely, and in much detail. Very colorful with plenty of pictures/graphs/diagrams/explanations of every topic. Well-organized and provides summary tables of information when the topic permits (such as how to report items on income statement). Probably the textbook used by most universities for Intermediate Accounting; and rightly so! 

Product Details :
  • Hardcover: 1608 pages
  • Publisher: Wiley; 15 edition (March 11, 2013)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1118147294
  • ISBN-13: 978-1118147290
  • Product Dimensions: 9 x 2 x 11.2 inches

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