Fundamental Accounting Principles 22nd Edition

Don't pick this up expecting to leave your house anytime soon. How this compelling page turner was missed by the NY Times Bestseller list I will never understand. The reader is dropped into a pressure cooker of suspense as the author dives boldly into a stirring description of T accounts. You will thrill as debits and credits are defined and the understated heroism of our nations's CPAs becomes clear. I just had to tell myself "it's only a book" to keep from becoming completely overwrought as John Wild ratchets up the tension chapter by chapter to the the breathtaking climax deep in a corporate balance sheet. While the violence is hard to take, it is steeped in the gritty realism of the rough and tumble world of accounting.

This was the first accounting course I had taken and, as far as text books go, this one did a pretty good job of explaining the concepts and helping me to understand what it was I was supposed to be learning. The only real gripe I have about the book is the lack of practice problems with answers. There are plenty of practice scenarios but if I get this thing right, one has to pay to join some website to get the answers to those problems. I personally think that is pretty sketchy considering the price of this book. 

I ended up ordering the wrong book, but the return was so simple and I ended up getting what i needed. so much cheaper then buying a book i will only use one time

Product Details :
  • Hardcover: 1224 pages
  • Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education; 22 edition (October 1, 2014)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0077862279
  • ISBN-13: 978-0077862275
  • Product Dimensions: 8.7 x 1.8 x 11 inches

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